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Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney

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Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney


The Amora Hotel Jamison Team proudly supports Ma Afrika Tikkun and its projects in South Africa. 


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Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney

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    Afrika Tikkun (Global Development Group - J586)

    One of only 4 organisations that Nelson Mandela awarded his partronage to - and the only one in Australia - Afrika Tikkun is dedicated to assisting children affected by extreme poverty in South Africa's townships, survive and thrive.

    Afrika Tikkun is a non-government organisation (NGO) that was founded in 1994 to offer resources, training and support to children and their families in South Africa’s poorest communities. Support is particularly focused on orphaned and vulnerable children and families affected by HIV/AIDS. Afrika Tikkun's work centres on sustainable community development, including the provision of food and school fees; care, education and training in specially built community centres and outreach facilities - as well as caring for the very sick in their homes.

    Visit ( to find out more.

    Proud to partner with Global Development Group (ABN: 57 102 400 993), an Australian NGO approved by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. 

    Gifts over $2 with a preference for this approved development project are tax deductible, receipts issued by Go Fundraise on behalf of GDG. Excess funds may be directed to another approved activity. Please note, no non-development (evangelistic, political or welfare) activities are a part of, or funded by, GDG projects. For more information please visit

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